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Who we are

The Free Instance Blog is a space for expressing ideas and opinions on various subjects. Legal issues are often the starting point, but they are not an end in themselves. This space proposes to reflect on issues that move the whole of society, such as current dilemmas and those that cross generations, with debates on ethics and also on the practical impacts of the paths that have been chosen. And, as the event is free, there is also a place for good conversations about music, literature, art, and, why not, entertainment?! The instance is multidisciplinary, with the view that it is with the full transit of thought, in different spheres, that solid knowledge is built and significant relationships are formed.


Academic of the fifth period of Law at PUC Paraná, she enjoys debates and arguments in all instances. And, even though she is very attached to her convictions, she considers it essential to know other points of view. For her, travel, near or far, are ways of getting to know other realities and other perspectives. In his readings, he prefers biographies, works of philosophy and politics. Despite not being very focused on sports, she cultivated a passion for the team at the heart of her family, Athletico Paranaense. From a very young age, she has found her most genuine way of expressing herself in writing.


Lawyer and Doctor in Law from UFPR, he is fond of books and sports that, more than hobbies, are lenses to help understand human relationships. In all instances, it considers freedom of expression essential.

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Lawyer, mother of two and a dog, loves Family Law, cooking, photo albums and thriller series. For her, there is no limit between the instances. He has a vegetable garden, he reads everything and then some. He believes in all kinds of freedom, whether of expression, conviction, passion…


Lawyer, passionate about her work and the family law field. Luigi's mother. Loves dogs and sports. Loves Japanese food and travelling. He strongly believes in the feasibility of conciliations to resolve conflicts. It considers that freedom is fundamental and that respect for others must occur in all instances.


Bookseller at heart and future librarian. Passionate about cinema, theater and all kinds of art. Mother of Maria Luiza, of two cats and a dog. Curious, likes to learn new things all the time and in all instances.


Academy of the seventh period of PUPR Law. Legal Advisor at Farracha de Castro Advogados. Passionate about her course and Criminal Law. Loves Japanese food and dogs. He believes that in the polarized world we live in, reading and debate are essential, in the fight against alienation, and in the formation of individuals with a critical sense.


In chronological order, son, lawyer, husband and father. Born in Andradin and from Curitiba at heart. Admirer of life and the things of life in all its instances.

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In chronological order, son, lawyer, husband and father. Born in Andradin and from Curitiba at heart. Admirer of life and the things of life in all its instances.

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Bookseller at heart and future librarian. Passionate about cinema, theater and all kinds of art. Mother of Maria Luiza, of two cats and a dog. Curious, likes to learn new things all the time and in all instances.

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Academy of the seventh period of PUPR Law. Legal Advisor at Farracha de Castro Advogados. Passionate about her course and Criminal Law. Loves Japanese food and dogs. He believes that in the polarized world we live in, reading and debate are essential, in the fight against alienation, and in the formation of individuals with a critical sense.

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In chronological order, son, lawyer, husband and father. Born in Andradin and from Curitiba at heart. Admirer of life and the things of life in all its instances.

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In chronological order, son, lawyer, husband and father. Born in Andradin and from Curitiba at heart. Admirer of life and the things of life in all its instances.

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